Content: 1. Current status of Community Rugby 2. Deadline for Diversity & Inclusion volunteer applications – 20 July 3. Running virtual annual general meetings 4. Club Audit 2020 5. Age grade out of season and holiday activities 6. VAT update 7. Eat Out to Help Out scheme 8. Game Management System update Welcome to the July 2020 Community Game Update. We have now reintroduced the monthly edition of this communication to separate Covid-19 weekly updates from general rugby club news. We hope you find the update useful, and if you have any feedback, queries or content that you would like to feature, please email Vee Montebello, RFU Senior Communications Manager ( Our communications to you are based on the data that is held in the Game Management System (GMS). To ensure you receive the communications that you want to from the RFU, please check the information held on this system is up to date and active. In addition, if you know of a colleague who should be receiving these updates, but isn’t, please help them to check their details on GMS. This communication is only sent to the roles highlighted in the distribution list above. Please share this communication with others in your club who need to see it. To read the rest of the Update click on the link |