Coronavirus (Covid-19) Update Please find below the twenty-sixth edition of our Coronavirus (Covid-19) update. We’ve announced that all Adult Male Future Competition Structure virtual consultation sessions are now available on demand webinars and made a last call for feedback on this review. We’ve also provided a link to the National School Sport Week at Home campaign which starts tomorrow. In addition, we note a new series of club support virtual webinars is running from 1 July and that SOS Kit Aid is collecting unwanted kit that clubs may have after clearing out their storage cupboards in lockdown. We’ve received lots of great stories from rugby communities doing great things. Please do shine a light on any individuals who are leading the charge and delivering exceptional community initiatives during the pandemic and send stories to or We would also like to advise everyone that, as the volume of Covid-19 related news has now quietened down, twice weekly editions of the Covid-19 Community Game Update will become weekly from Tuesday 30 June and we will revert to a monthly Community Game Update to communicate more general updates from July. Please visit our dedicated web portal on the England Rugby website to access coronavirus information and updates here. Past editions of these twice-weekly updates can be found on this part of the website. Click here if you need to find a previous edition. Click on link for remainder of this update |