Coronavirus (Covid-19) update This week’s headlines include: 1. Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund – Grants update 2. Monday 29 March – Return to Rugby update 3. Steve Grainger takes grassroots players questions with Fill Your Boots 4. Re-starting the DBS application process 5. School of Hard Knocks – only a couple of spaces left 6. Mental Wellbeing and Know Your Lease webinars 7. International Women’s Day 8. Share your stories RUWSF Grants update ![]() After the government’s positive funding announcement over the weekend (more information below), we are now able to update you on next steps for clubs who have applied for a Rugby Union Winter Survival Fund Grant. Following the closure of applications, the overall grant need was submitted to the government’s Independent Board of the Winter Sport Survival Fund. The final amount to be awarded to clubs is at the discretion of the Independent Board rather than the RFU. The Independent Board has since confirmed that grants will be capped at a maximum of £50,000 per individual club. However, if a club has demonstrated a grant need of more than £50,000 for purposes of survival, they will be able to apply for an additional cash-flow loan to provide further financial assistance. Applications are currently being assessed and clubs who have applied for a grant will be advised of the outcome of their application by the end of March at the latest. We are in the process of creating a mechanism for eligible clubs to apply for a cash-flow loan and will communicate to these clubs as soon as possible. We have also been given a grace period for clubs that weren’t able to compile their financial documentation in time to meet the original RUWSF Grant application deadline. If you are a community club in Level 3 or below that needs financial support for survival and fulfil the criteria please complete the application form below by 5pm on Monday 22 March. Clubs who applied in the first window will be contacted by the end of March and should not apply again as their application will be discounted. ![]() ![]() Funding Announcement ![]() ![]() Grant Application ![]() To read the rest of the update click on the link |