Last week the RFU Council voted to adopt law changes to lower the tackle height in community rugby to below the base of the sternum to improve player safety by reducing the risk of head-to-head contact and concussion. To support players, coaches, referees, volunteers and CBs with these changes ahead of the 2023/24 season, a comprehensive range of online resources, guidance documents, training videos and face-to-face training opportunities are being created by the RFU to run from May throughout the summer and into next season. All resources, informed by community feedback provided through the consultation process, will be made available via the England Rugby Tackle Height Hub. New resources available on the Tackle Height Hub today include: Tackle height roadmap Responsibilities of the tackler graphic* Responsibilities of the ball carrier graphic* Legal tackle height examples Tackle height picture quiz Tackle height law information pack Law application guidance Sanction framework Tackle height information video Tackle height guidance video *Please note, physical poster versions of the Tackler and Ball Carrier graphics have today been sent to RFU Affiliated clubs. These resources and training materials will also be supplemented by existing RFU guidance and training, including an updated RFU Headcase toolkit. Summer age-grade framework The RFU Council has also approved a regulation amendment to allow a framework for age grade rugby activity over the summer, enabling appropriate contact activity to take place. This builds on the summer framework as used in the last few years and replaces the previous age grade out of season regulations. Age-grade summer framework for 2023 On top of the age-grade summer framework there are further updates for the age-grade game on the Tackle Height hub: Regulation and Playing Updates Game On Adapted Contact Format U14 to 18 Activity Overview Read More |